Trini Hacks

Simple, yet comprehensive, tips and tricks from our physicians. Takes into account seasonality, environment and common pathogens that might cramp your style and routine. Easy to understand and easy to follow.

About Trini Hacks

People falling ill around you? Similar symptoms eh? Sudden change in the weather? Hot or cold, sultry or nippy… Wondering what you can do to not join the bandwagon? Look for further than Trini Hacks. Our physicians bring to you simple tips and tricks that, if followed, can go a long way to reduce the chances of infection. That said, do not run away from seeing a doctor if you fall ill. You are different and unique after all, you see?

What to do if Bitten or Scratched by a Dog or Cat?

First and foremost – before thinking about or doing anything else – wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water.

Next, gather information on the vaccination status of the dog or cat (of course, this is next to impossible in case of strays). Armed with this information, consult a physician at the earliest.

In case, you cannot – or do not desire to – consult a physician, you can take the following subsequent steps:

  1. If there is no visible skin tear or bruise or bleeding, you might not take any additional step other than observing the concerned animal’s behaviour for 10 days (if that’s possible)
  2. If there are visible scratches and / or slight bleeding or oozing, you will be best served by local wound dressing, a tetanus short and a course of anti-rabies vaccination.
  3. If the injury is worse, you must have your wound dressed, take a tetanus shot and complete a course of anti-rabies vaccination.

Watch Out for Seasonal Transition from Winter to Spring

What’s common?

Cough, cold, fever and sore throat caused by virus or bacteria, measles, chicken pox, mumps.

How can you reduce the chance of catching bugs?

  • Wear a mask in crowded places
  • Take steam for 3 – 4 minutes before bed
  • Drink a warm glass of water in the morning
  • Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables grown locally
  • Add nuts and seeds to your daily diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Remember to drink water, even if you don’t feel thirsty

Fall Prevention in Seniors

Injuries resulting from falls are the most common, and often urgent, medical emergency among the senior population. Contrary to popular perception, falls are not always caused accidentally. Lack of balance and weakness in the muscles of the lower limbs are often to blame.

Therefore, it is critical to assess one’s balance and the relative strengths and weaknesses in the lower extremities. Once known, experts can guide seniors to strengthen weak muscles. This will go a long way in preventing falls.

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